Dancing Queen
I can’t dance.
Well, of course it depends on our definition of what qualifies as dancing. Because I guess, technically I can, but not the kind where you dance like an actual dancer, ya’ know! It’s more like I can move and be on beat at the same time. Or like, I can sway and move my feet, shake a little, hands in the air and sing along, yeah that kind of dance.
The reason why I want to talk about dancing is because recently, I have been listening to a lot of dance music (like a lot!). And I notice that when I put them on, I find myself dancing a little to the beat. It’s a lot of fun (especially when I am with my best friends, driving somewhere in the car, or in our bedrooms, or basically just about anywhere as long as we are together.)! It’s almost as if nothing mattered in the gap of those few minutes of the song, except who I am with, the song itself and the fun we are having. And just like that, God reminded me about the way He works in our worst days.
I agree, that perhaps from certain angles, the analogy of dance music and God might be a little too far off from each other (or maybe not, it’s really up to you!). But think about it, God did say that we can find joy in the midst of our difficult times. That with Him, it is possible for us to simply have our whole world come crashing down, but our hearts full of joy, dancing to the sound of His praises. Isn’t this what we declare in the lyrics of our praises? That we will worship Him no matter what, that joy is found in God’s love and faithfulness, not in our external situations?
And I have to say, this is what worship does, isn’t it? When we get lost in worship, when we lose ourselves to the truth of who He is, our circumstances become so small and insignificant, compared to His promises and His Words. Our problems and challenges aren’t as scary anymore because we know how big our God is.
I would never know whether you can actually dance or not. But something tells me that when we get our hearts beating to the right rhythm and singing to the right tune, we’ll find ourselves swaying to the melody effortlessly. In a way that we probably have never done before, but in a way that we know is so much better.
This is what happens when we dance to the rhythms of Grace, tuning into the truth of God’s love. We’ll find ourselves dancing, not over, but through and in the crowds of problems and calamities that life has to offer. Knowing that no matter what happens, we can rest in His unfailing promises and unconditional love over our circumstances and shortcomings.
So, care to dance?
Matthew 11 (The Message)
28-30 “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”
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